Sunday, February 17, 2013

Radical Prayers for Radical results

Happy Sunday!

I had Joel Osteen speaking to me this morning as I was getting ready for church. He was talking about asking our Father for whatever we need. He (God) promises us His kingdom, but how often do we ask? We expect Him to read our minds (He is God after all, right?). Mathew 7:7 says:Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you. (KJV). Wow, that is all I have to do. As His Child, He promises me all these things. So is it too much to ask for what seems way out of reach? Nope. He does not put a cap on how much He can provide (Like insurance does). 

It would be sad if when I showed up before the Lord, He says, "Look what I had in store for you! All these had your name on them; you just had to ask". I would prolly be kicking myself too if I saw this lovely house I had always wanted and was too scared to ask my Father because I thought it was too grand a request, too radical a prayer. 

At this point in my life, I am blessed to have found a life partner I had always prayed for. I now await more of His blessings (children, advancement in career for me and my hubby, etc). But is that enough to pray for? So I declare greatness to the children He will give us, I speak victory in whatever they endeavor to do in life....After all, God knew me before I was formed in my mother's womb. Surely He knows my children and surely He has their blessings already and all I need do is just ask?

Somehow growing up I used to wonder if I would be a preacher's wife. Flimsy thought, I might say, especially now being married and my husband not being a pastor. But he has a calling, He just needs to accept it. His mom talks about it with conviction (she is a pastor) and so in that, I have a radical prayer; that God not only touches him to commit to being the spiritual leader of our household, but to be a vessel to bless others too. I pray one day it will be that we can open and study the Bible TOGETHER as husband and wife, grow together spiritually and understand the purpose God has for us in this institution and covenant of marriage that we got into. 

So I will wait. I will wait upon the Lord.

I pray He molds me into the vessel He desires of me. I pray He works through me to the glory of His name. My human mind puts limits of what I can be, but His word is clear as to how He can bless us beyond measure. I am a broken pot, in need of mending in so many ways. Every day I strive to look within me and see what I can change. But none of my efforts are meaningful if I do not place my trust and faith in God. And that is the challenge....Letting go, and letting God. I need to let Him be the driver of my soul, the guide for my life, and quit trying to be so smart. Yep, I said it.

Radical prayer for radical results.  Teach me Lord how to pray thus.
