Monday, January 28, 2013

Working for Rachel.....Getting Leah

The story of Jacob is fascinating. More so his love for Rachel. Brother loved her so much that he worked seven years for her father to earn her hand in marriage. In today's world it may be impractical to do so, and women are not considered property as they were in Jacob and Laban's time. The story goes on to say that Jacob got duped. Yep, he got the wrong sister! Dang! So what does he do? He observes another seven days of wedding celebrations and then gets his 'right' sister. But the deal was that he work another seven years for Rachel. SMH. And he did. Oh how hard he worked. The flock of sheep and herds of cattle increased while he worked for Laban. You would think Laban would let him off early but nope. Free labor.

So dude had two wives (sisters). And unlike my grandpa (yes, my grandpa had two wives as was allowed in the olden African traditions), he did not love them equally. Matter-of-fact, the Bible says he hated Leah. Poor soul. Is it not enough that she must have suffered ridicule over her cross-eyes? Some have interpreted the 'tender-eyed' statement as meaning she had wandering eyes. Rachel is described as lovely and shapely and all that jazz. Can't stand her already!

So Jacob's Leah has six children (and two by her maid). That was some kind of system... Pimping your husband to the handmaid just to have more kids. I am thinking herpes, AIDS, crabs, clap, but that is this not something they dealt with I reckon or someone would have written about it somewhere between all those wives, handmaids, and concubines and stuff, right? Rachel the pretty one is barren by God's doing...but of course there was the pimping option. ;-).

The story gets more interesting but read at your own time if you forgot the story or are not familiar with it. (Genesis 29).

Now I ask myself, who is my Rachel? What is my Rachel? I know I had a Rachel at some point in life...the male version. The dream of a knight in shining armor, the men I felt should be the one. But they had the spirit of Rachel, and were a sight on the outside but inside, had nothing to offer me that God willed for me. Don't get me wrong, I did not settle for a Leah. (My hubby is not cross-eyed or nothing, and boy is he a looker! And all mine I must add). I prolly could say I got a Jacob. LOL! My Rachels have been in form of desires and hopes that I think will bring me joy, my efforts to have more while neglecting to see that Leah is my blessing. My Leah could be the job I have now despite dreaming of a more affluent career. My Leah could be the friends around me that I at times take for granted, while seeking closeness and bonds with those who do not value me.

So many Rachels, so many Leahs.

So when you have a Leah, see through the tender eyes, see the blessings God has in store for you in her. When you have a Rachel, don't despise the Leah. Oh yeah, and God has a purpose for Rachel too. Remember Joseph? Remember Benjamin? Sometimes life is full of disappointments, oftentimes we do not see the blessings God showers us because we have grandiose requests, and we forget the little blessings that are actually BIG blessings. Good health, peaceful country, loving marriages, genuine friends, and family.

The story of Jacob, refreshed through Pastor Kung'u's sermon yesterday was a blessing. And I hope you are blessed by this too.


Saturday, January 19, 2013

When A Friend Moves Away....

So I guess we really are growing up. You meet people, you get to like people, you marry one of them (hey baby!), you build friendships, then some up and decide they are changing zip codes on ya. Yep, Sonnie Gee is off the single scene (and off with a Prince Charming that hails from North Carolina). He charmed her out of our 'see you in ten at mi ranchito' zone and now it's gonna be a flight or more away (happy hour will long be gone gal!!!).

I am so sad!!!

And happy for her at the same time.

Did my friends feel the same way when I got married and sorta 'disappeared' from the social scene as a single woman? Did they feel 'left behind', 'jilted', 'dropped', 'neglected', even a tard bit upset that the musketeer club was breaking apart? I know I feel that way right now with Sonnie up n sayin' she is leavin' on a jet plane to who knows where in NC.

You see, Sonnie is one of those friends I have, we don't talk often but pick up like time never mattered when we do get on the phone. She is super lady-like and carries a hair brush which she uses hourly when out, she retouches her lipstick a hundred times, she wears heels like 24/7. She is too cute! :-) I don't do any of that girlie stuff. She loooooves attention and her beauty demands it (this Mr. Right better keep up the attention). I'm cool being in the booth and watching people as I sip on my margarita. She loves flowers, my Lord she does! I think she should have a rose garden in her backyard in NC. I doubt Sonnie deals with acne or breakouts. Her face is always perfect. Saiya and I on the other hand have shares with Mary Kay tryna fight acne....and I am 30 years old for God's sake! She likes her bourborn from a flask, crystal. The only other time I had ever seen one was on TV (The Bold & The Beautiful). I could go on and on about the precious little things I know about Sonnie but the greatest is that she has a heart of gold that even she does not know I don't think. She might be all Barbie Doll (in a good way) on the outside, but inside she is an angel. And I will miss that.

She says she has found Mr. Right.....for that reason I am super excited for her. I try to keep in touch with my girlfriends so that they don't feel so forgotten with me having gotten married and all.  And I love that my husband reminds me to call and check on them when he hasn't heard me say their names in a couple of sweet! I hope Sonnie does too (I am thinking about myself here).

Now that is one less fish in the sea (well, and one less fisherman at that so I guess the market forces remain as they are). 

So I am already planning a trip up there sometime in my head (already!). I meet her tonight for a bite to catch up and say our fare wells till we meet. But it changes stuff when a friend moves away. You don't see them often when they are close, but when they move you miss them so much! You don't notice their absence much when they are a short drive away but when they change states you suddenly feel like the city is empty without them. It's messed up but I am happy for her.

Friends add flavor to life - some when they come, some when they go :-).  Sonnie addds a vibrancy to my life that only she can. This does not sound like she is dying does it? It is not a eulogy people! I am celebrating friendship.

I will miss Sonnie Gee but I know come summer time (May 11th to be specific), she better show up for my graduation!

Three Months Today!

Well, well, well! Who knew! Three months today. Settling in alright and easier than I thought. And yes, I have been trying to cook and also get him to cook. :-)
The mother-in-law is asking if she is a grandma on our side of town yet...smh. Babies are work, even making them, LOL! It takes time for some people right? For now, it is awesome enjoying this new status of being Mrs. Roulette. When those little mugs come around God willing, it will be awesomer (that is a word, right?).
So this blogging thing, I think I will keep it open. To Year One, to my natural hair journey, to family, friends, and life in general. Politics will prolly not show its face here, (but I want that dress Michelle wore the day her hubby, well, our hubby, won the election a second time).
So it is downtime, seldom do I get those at work anymore, and I am browsing the web. Curly Nikki is tonight's discovery. Awesome writer! I love how she connects with the reader so easily.

Anywho, gotta go but will try to post more often coz sure as heck a lot is goin' on in my life! They call it growin' up. Whattt??! Yeah. Love it tho!
