Sunday, July 9, 2017

Humans of Oasis

So we are here!!! Been forever but guess what?! My people are here!!! Swag is still oozing swag. Is that a new lady on his arm? Pause. I will have to look again. The Centennials are always on Kenyan time; 15 minutes late. They just walked in and straight to the dance floor they went! Mrs. Centennial's tan straight passes the Hispanic level. She is about to be black. What the hell!!! Has she not been watching the news? Heheheheh. Poor couple seems to have aged 5 years in just a year! What's great is that they seem to be living it up though!
Here they are, in their slice of heaven! 

Salsa Instructor is here, in his Instructor shirt as usual - advertisement does not have to cost an arm and a leg. His lady has some gorgeous sharp brown eyes!
My eyes have been roving looking for Michael Bolton. Where are you curly tops? 10 minutes.....
And walaaaaa! There he is!!! Mister says Bolton should have left his little brother's shorts at home lol! Same tee. The white one. Not grey. He only has two. And two pairs of shorts as well. The denim that rides his crack and this one that hugs his cheeks real snug. 
Swag must be waiting for space before showing us his moves. The floor is packed.
I do not remember so many brothas on the dance floor but I am loving the whole mix! Our pack has grown to 5, with 3 on the way. :) So great to share good times like these with friends old and new. 

The oasis makes me smile. The Oasis brings me joy. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


In the secrecy of my womb little Shiloh,
You dwell and grow in mystery,
I know not what fills your mind every day,
But I know you fill my heart with so much joy!
As you sway and rock deep in my bosom,
I relish the feeling; the mystery; the secrecy.
You are our little miracle; and our love for you
Is eternal.
No one knows me as intimately as you do
No one else hears my constant heartbeat but you.💖
I never worry about who you shall become
I never wonder how you will look like...
You have been the object of my dreams for years;
I know you, little One!
I see my dimples on your cheeks, I see your father's eyes.
In my dreams you look like Mitchelle, your doting Auntie.
In my dreams there is so much of Papa in you.
In my dreams your curly hair reminds me of Alex's and Mitchelle's,
Amon and Henry's too.
In my imagination your lips and nose are Cedric's, your fingers too....
In the secrecy of my womb little Shiloh,
You bring out the best in me.
I love you to eternity, and cannot wait for you to wrap your little arms
Around my neck as I kiss you and shower you with hugs.

Happy Valentine's Day Little Peanut!