Sunday, September 13, 2015

Sole Surprises - Running with the Wind

So yesterday I pulled what I call a Nana.... she will kill me but she knows I love her. I overslept. Well, memory is kind of hazy but I think I cancelled the alarm and fell back asleep instead of the usual battle in my head: Do I really need to go? Can I go later? blah blah blah. My resolve usually wins. I lay my running clothes out the night before and even make smoothies and all that ritual thing. But I fell back asleep. Jackie texted, Emily called, and I just about hit the ceiling. 7:14 am. I was going to hola at my BGR girls and join the Every Mother Counts ambassador for 6-7 miles. Now I am off-balance coz I missed my run. Maybe later. Day is still young Jackie said. I agree but I am doubtful. I had tackled Big Bertha the night before. A sign to kick back and let it flow? Donno.

I have to get my 6 miles in tomorrow.

It is tomorrow. Alarm goes off at 6:15. Take a guess. Yep! I turned if off and went back to sleep. So weird and unusual for me! Bertha must have kicked my butt and I just didn't know! Nah-uh. Get up! It was a lot of self-talk. Sun was creeping up. Lawd knows I get 5 shades darker when I run later in the day and I tire so fast!Crawl to the bathroom, Prep. Struggle into running gear, Cereal. Water bottles. Extra water. GU gummies GU gel. Banana. I-pod. Key. Brushy Creek sounds like a good idea for 6 miles. Out the door.

The Sports Park (by the 2.5 mile marker) seemed like a good spot to start my run this morning. My running app has been acting up since I got my new phone, so I felt I didn't need to take the darn thing with me. I love tracking my runs. Plan B. My generation One  Ipod Nano (Yes. it still works perfectly) has a basic timer. And the trail is marked. I can do this. Separation anxiety. Facebook, whatsapp, Email. Crazy. Ok. That's it! Get going! Alright, alright, alright!  Not so excited but I am moving right? Finish gummies. Water belt. Stretch, Go! French Montana's don't Panic is second or 3rd on my 10 mile playlist. Well, I did. Panicked. 6 miles is a no-go! I am tired! Before the 3 mile mark I am walking? This was not a good sign. Maybe I should go for 3 miles. Maybe 4. Maybe 2 and just go back home? But I breath....a lady says to me "You are doing a great job"and just like that, my legs get life. A black lady with a young son gives me a smile by the splash place near the 3 mile mark. There is a ton of people running! JHUD's "He ain't going nowhere" hits my ears and I smile and know that I can make my goal. This jam is awesome! Compiled it last year for the Run For the Water 10 miler with hubby's help. Songs that had ways to go before being released were in there.Sam Smith and Mary J Blige added a pep in my steady run and before I knew it, I passed the 6 mile marker. Heck! Might as well, go to the end! No pain whatsoever. I had my songs alternating so that every few upbeat cuts were followed by a slower one to remind me to slow it down and not go flying. I found myself at an even keel, cruising.

 In my head I had power legs like those of Karen. I was hearing voices other than my music. Ayeesha telling me to relax my shoulders. She is a force to reckon with! But it is the words of a patient of mine I once had that kept replaying and guiding my strides. Dude was 89. Had been running marathons since his 20s but get this. his fastest time was a marathon he ran at 57. Imagine that! He still ran and he oozed wisdom and knowledge of the sport.Do you run with your heels first or toes first? Flat foot? I didn't know. Running is a science I guess! Do your arms sway past your midline? You are messing up your center of gravity. Stack your shoulders to your hips, Today, all his words came into play. Nana's reminder to breathe through the mouth, Ayeesha's instructions... There was a rhythm I do not always get. Strange.

At the 6.75 mark, I still had no idea just how many miles I would have done by the end of this run. See, Math was never a strong suit of mine.Pause. It would have been too late anyway lol! Stretch. GU. Hydrate. I love my belt but the bottles could be bigger. Amazon.Ebay? For one of those packs for running silly! I don't have ADHD (*whisper* I really think I do though). Go. Second half!

The universe was turning and I could feel it. I was floating, Running with the wind. I was flying. Not in pace but mentally. Snapping my fingers to Anthony Hamilton's Let me In and swaying my head to Beyonce's Drunken Love. Butterfly strides, heel first, Relaxed shoulders, arms facing forward and flush with my sides. Controlled breathes, through my mouth. Blissful running! This was the high runners speak of. This was it! I was in sync with my body and my legs were feeling strong. I walked fast when I needed to catch my breathe when I forgot about mouth breathing, I stretched my legs at stop lights when I had to wait. I was in control! Such a powerful feeling.

8.5 freaking miles. I must be crazy!

So how did a run that was bound to fail become what I personally think was my best this running season? Many factors came into play. I did not give in to my mind's thoughts to stay home and sleep in. It was a conscious decision to get out no matter what. Preparation. All the runs, short, intermediate, and long, hills, yoga, and stretches to prevent injury all culminate into safe running and accomplishment of goals. With my steady increase in mileage, I was getting stitches a lot despite regular and adequate hydration. So I had to remind myself of Lily's advice to replace electrolytes because we lose so much through sweat. Waiting till after the run is useless. Today i did the GU gummies prior to my run(started while driving to the trail) and finished just before start of run. Halfway through, I did the GU gel and gulped a good amount of water. To allow for fast absorption of the electrolytes. Amazing the difference with and without these electrolyte replacements. I have a few changes to make on my playlist but a long run would be depressing without great music. I even have Kenny Rogers in there. Whatever picks you up. I can't list all the stuff that I do to prepare me for the Austin Distance Challenge in one blog. Every one has their own little routine. Ayeesha's degree of preparation would not fit me, or anyone for that matter, neither can mine fit anyone else. it is so individual yet so many commonalities!

I made my run all about my legs and my overall body, nothing about time or pace. It was liberating. It was peaceful.

Happy running!