Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year 2016!!!!

May last year's accomplishments, no matter how minute, be a source of pride for you.
May the gains of this past year propel you towards your dreams, whatever they may be.
May the losses you suffered be fuel to push you further; be reminders that life is fleeting. 
Appreciate each day that you rise; often our human nature is blind to the finity of life itself. 
Be gentler with yourself this year; kinder even - many a times we forget that we too, deserve our own unconditional love.
Live fully, leave no day unfulfilled of its purpose. What waste it would be for the sun to rise in splendor only to meet gloom in your face! 
Be radiant. Be joyful. Be present.

Happy New Year 2016!!!! 

Mrs. Roulette