Thursday, January 1, 2015

Song of Songs

New Year's Day. 
It's here. A fresh opportunity to begin again. What better way to rekindle my romance with God than to read of all the pleasures that mutual love evokes? The passion is almost palpable through the lines of Solomon's greatest song. I see Solomon's arm cradling his lover's head as his right one caresses her body....(Song of songs 2:6 and 8:3) Love is a beautiful thing... Romance, is ahem, a beautiful thang! 

You are altogether beautiful my darling,beautiful in every way (4:7). Who is to tell me otherwise? These words flow like honey. Smooth and sweet! Makes you feel a thrill in your heart right? (5:4). I thought BB King invented the 'thrill' line. Nope! Just found it here in 960 BC. So much for originality BB! I don't want to ever say "thrill is gone". So I have to keep my A game on all.the.time! 

Such connection as that of the two lovebirds Solomon sings of is what I desire for myself with God. Such oneness that the night watchmen will help me find my lover when I lose sight of him. They will not bruise me and strip me of my veil. They will all know. The young women of Jerusalem too. Those absolutely gots to know! 

I am his, and he claims me as my own....this line repeatedly affirms the steadfast nature of Loverman. God claims me because I am His. Sorry guys, I am taken! 

To be free in my expression of my love for Him, as I would be expressing my love for my brothers.... Now that is a place I want to be in my spiritual journey. Unashamed, unhindered and leaning on Him, weak on my knees with love (8:1-5).

For love is as strong as death (8:6). Wow, wait, really??? Oh how lightly we use that word then!! Its jealousy as enduring as the grave. Uhmm, I know a little something about that. I imagine you do too, LOL! Oh how wise Solomon was! His words transcend centuries! 

That money cannot buy love. Thousands of years later, peeps still trying to prove Solomon wrong. Smh.

I wish Song of Songs had a hundred chapters. But I guess such is love. It leaves you yearning for more, so you can seek it more. As I begin this new year and this venture to grow in knowledge of God's word, may the same fire keep burning despite the many winds and torrential rains that are bound to come my way. 
May my lover be delighted when he sees me, may my vineyard bear fruit worth making the sweetest wine. May my heart stay awake so I can hear him when he knocks on the door...( 5:2)

Happy New Year to you and yours. 