Saturday, May 7, 2016

Ode To Mama Dama

It is Mothers' Day!
This past few days I have particularly lingered on the blessings that God has bestowed upon me thus far by simply letting me be my Mother's daughter. See, Mama Dama has weathered so many storms, but like the sequioa tree that lines the California rivers, she stands solid, unswayed;Imara. My mother has the kind of heart that will give her last morsel of food to a hungry stranger because she has faith that God will provide for her like He always has. She will give up the shirt on her back without question because her gift is giving. Her joy is giving. Her life is giving. She gives of her time, resources however limited, and love. One thing however, I value most is her prayers for me. Have you ever felt that grace that blankets you and rocks you and comforts you? Yeah, I feel that every day because God shows her favor. Her deepest desire is for her children to be blessed. So God grants her her wishes and blesses me. How Jesus-like is that love? How deep? How wide? It is an awesome kind of love - a Mother's Love. A single post could never say it enough, a song could never express my love for her.

She is God's reflection of His love for me. How overwhelming! My heart is full, my spirit rejoices for all the Good Lord continues to do for my Mom.

She is an infinite river of strength, even though often,she may hide below it
She is the brightest ray of sun, and it shows in her eyes, shows in her ways.
She is the kindest of souls, even when bitter and angry ones try to break her.
She reminds me of Paul, her tenacity, her passion for good, her love for God.
She is the silent force of the ocean waters, when you know her, you feel it.
She is the bluest of skies.... clouds may float by with shades of grey, but she stays above.
She is the strongest of winds, she amazes me.
Her touch is gentle and most soothing. Her love is pure, true, genuine, constant.

I pray for good health, long life, and strength every day for Mama Dama. She is the reason I am who I am today. I am grounded due to her influence, I am confident and strong because of her experiences. She teaches me just by being. She encourages me just by being present. I heard her voice first; it is her voice I want to hear every time I feel sad, low and even happy. The indescribable feeling when she says my name, calls me 'Kamet', call me 'Mamee'..... I could conquer the world. And I do. :)

Happy Mother's Day! I celebrate you every day.