Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Love like the wind

Like the wind whistles as it hits the willow tree
Like the wind makes the waters ripple,
Let your love flow without holding back.
Let the song that comes from the rustling leaves
Be the music that keeps your feet dancing.
Let the sway that comes from the bending branches
be the dance that keeps your heart merry.
Love like the wind; love unabashedly.
Let your love flow like a river
Like waters flowing down the Nile.
Let it bring what it carries, let it wash over rocks
And dry ground that thirsts for water.
Quench the thirst of the cracked clay
Of river beds long dried up.
Let it bring life to dying seed that life may spring anew.
Love like the wind, let your breeze bring cool to desert lands.
Let your wings bring dying ambers back to flame.
Love like the wind.

Friday, August 23, 2013


It's not easy living in today's world.
Everyday is a challenge
Every day is a battle.
The sun rises in the eyes of those around you
How is it you only see darkness within you?
The burdens of today seem so heavy
The pain cuts like a knife.
But you are human my friend
Don't be so hard on yourself.
The falls of today seem so damaging
The depths of loneliness so scary.
But take it easy on yourself my friend
Accept the things you cannot change
And seek solace in your Creator.
Seek forgiveness of yourself; love the face you see in the mirror.
You are an awesome creation -
One of a kind. There's no other you.
Learn from your mistakes - they are meant to make you stronger
Not to break you. 
Be the friend you would like; check in on yourself often. 
Be the lover you desire; do not lose yourself to fulfill another soul's dream.
Be you, always always.
Reach out within you my friend
And see that a beautiful soul resides in you.
Keep your head up; life is so full of disappointments. 
And our hearts break in so many ways...
Into so many pieces.
But look! Each time you get back up,
You are a new soul, and like the potter's clay, stronger and firmer with each kneading that life affords you.
Do not drag yourself through self-judgement and discouragement;
The world already does that
So why add on to it?
You possess success; you just have to claim it.
Your battle is already won; you just have to realize your victory.
When darkness seems to creep in,
Watch for the break of dawn.
The world is always turning; in a few,
The sun will be shining in your face. 
Be positive even to yourself
You possess what you confess. 
Let everyday be a chance
To see it all anew. 
Let every pain be a reminder
That you are only human.
Let every breathe you take be a sign
That God has your back and He loves you.
So love yourself like He does,
Cherish yourself like He does you.
You are after all, His masterpiece.

Friday, August 9, 2013

The Burdens of an Immigrant Soul

The immigrant soul bears so many burdens. Many times the future looks bleak.
But he has to keep his head up, if only to beat the odds.
The curious stares, the weird looks, the strange reception.
The hurting comments of some that cut to the core
For the simple fact of where he was born.
He speaks with a strange accent, some words are alien even to his tongue.
Fitting in is the struggle; Acceptance the hope of his fiery spirit.
Success is the desire of his heart, but often, so much is against him.
All of a sudden the struggles of the poor village he hails from,
the lack of and hunger for a better life face him in a strange land.
The needs are the same, only no longer third world.
The need for a car, air conditioning, money in the pocket.....
These developed necessities for a soul uprooted from a simpler life.
But oh immigrant soul, I cry to you.
Don't let your burdens have you losing the love for life,
Don't hang yourself on that tree.... it breaks the heart of those that knew you, 
And those that relate to where you come from.
Don't give up oh immigrant spirit, it is after all one world that we live in.
Don't let the borders define you, let the ignorant think lesser of you; but not you dear brother!
The immigrant mind has dreams, higher than Mt. Kilimanjaro.
He has potential that even he doesn't recognize.
So much strength to draw from the Sun, Asis, Ngai, the Creator.
Nyasaye the Supreme hasn't deserted you. Like a lion he roars within you.
The immigrant soul lives his life behind in search of a better one.
Sometimes, he loses his way, and the bonds of the past fade away.
Sad as it may be oh immigrant soul, you can come back home
To the soil that bore you, to the people that bid you farewell and with open arms,
Still await your return.
Chukwu watches over you, kindred spirit. Do not lose hope in this dreary land.
While you seek the dream you came to find oh  immigrant spirit
Do not forget that Unkulunkulu loves you for who you are, no matter where you are.
You may be far from home, but the strength of your ancestors dwell within you.
You only have to stay strong, live strong, push strong.
Atum has not forgotten you oh immigrant soul,
Even in your asylum, He still is God and watches over you.
The burdens of an Immigrant Soul are many.....
How I wish it wasn't so.