Sunday, May 19, 2013

Marital Musings

Seven months today........yep! Time flies fast doesn't it?Pretty soon one year will be here and gone.

 Days have been busy. But soon I will have a little more free time. Then maybe I will start on some new things. Knitting, baking, watching live TV (people still do that? my DVR is the best thing since cell phones), wifely stuff eh?  Who am I kidding? I am sure other things will pop up, (like the Groupon deal I bought for an online course to be certified as an ESL teacher). Or the two week road trip we are planning and more to come.

What was I gonna write about? yeah, musings on marriage. Settling in to marriage has wisened me, taught me patience, resilience, and above all, forgiveness. Learning to forget, let go, start over every day has a whole new meaning in this institution. Loving him unconditionally gives back the same; Giving selflessly brings satisfaction. But faith in God has everything to do with it all. How else would a marriage stay strong? How else would one find where to draw strength from?

I like the stage in life I am in. I like the maturity marriage has brought me. The wisdom it has endowed me. Wisdom regarding friends in my circle, family in my realm, and above all, wisdom to understand the depth of the vows we took. I like the peace and assurance my heart feels, knowing someone's got my back for life. I like the nuclear functioning my daily life has become, the new priorities in the day to day living. As our journey continues, I pray God's path for us remains clear. I pray that my role remains clear in this love triangle, this cord of three strands (Wife, Husband and God).

Mrs. Roulette