Friday, November 14, 2014

How Do you Reward Yourself?

How do you Reward Yourself?
A nurturing spirit defines a woman. In Biblical and societal standards, she represents warmth and security that the world would be ragged without. This woman gives beyond her reserve, she presses on even when she is running on empty. She has no selfish bone in her stoic frame, and her joy rests in knowing that her loved ones are not wanting. It is no wonder that her wells dry up at times. I know mine do. My wells of kindness get muddy at times, when my territories are threatened. My wells of strength dry up every once in a while, especially when I fail to replenish them with rest and willful surrender to fatigue. Now, there is a well that's always flowing, its glistening waters a splendid sight. This well knows no boundaries, so I should draw from it when all else is dry. Should. The well of giving.

Giving to others is only natural to me, giving to myself, now that is a challenge. Why reward myself? Is that not 'self-centered' of me? Do I deserve it? I don't need a new pair of shoes; my mother could use the money for something more useful. I don't need a manicure; I could save that money for better use. So many excuses to keep from rewarding myself yet always open to giving to others. The same goes with positive words to self. I set my goals so high, such that self-pats on my back are few and in between. Maybe if I approached my goals with the perspective of possibilities instead of accomplishments, giving myself words of encouragement would be a daily joy rather than lingering thoughts of failure. The same way I offer words of encouragement to those that need them, I need to do the same to myself because I too, need to hear them.

I burn myself out many times worrying more about others and less about myself. Learning to rejuvenate and promote my well-being in order to be the best I can be for others is something I have to learn. I have the resources; I just need to be a little kinder, a little gentler, and a little generous with myself. It doesn't have to be a dream tour of Europe, although that would be nice. It doesn't have to be a week's vacation to Fiji, although I dream of that too. My point is, it doesn't have to break the bank. A Swedish massage would be a grand gesture to myself, just the thought gives me a rush!  An hour of quiet time, an un-rushed soothing bath with candles, smooth jazz, and lavender scents.....

How do your replenish your wells? How do you reward yourself? 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Seve Ballesteros- the Champion Spirit

As a Spaniard in days when golf was for the westerners and the rich, Seve dreamed of being a champion. He day-dreamed, envisioned, and desired that title to its fulfillment. In his mind, he never thought to finish second in anything he was passionate about. His whole life was on one track- golf champion.
Growing up in a family of all boys, Severiano had tough skin. Never did the taunts kill his dream, never did the chides keep him from claiming victory years before he could ever set foot on a golf course without hiding up a tree....
On the green, he was art. The graceful swing of his club, the beautiful form of his body. He oozed charisma that only he could pull off. Lovely smile, a natural with humor. 
Seve wasn't too proud to learn from the masters, but did not hide his confidence either. He was master of the game after all, if his conviction was to go by. 
To achieve our goals, we have to plan, an take necessary steps to work towards them. The bottom of the chain then becomes the greatest step we ever took because like a drawing, it starts with that first contact of tip of pen to paper. 

Power of the mind cannot be stressed enough. Its role in the achievement (or failure) of our goals is critical. In Seve's mind he was a golf champion; so he was.

So much I could learn from Seve. So much!