Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Seve Ballesteros- the Champion Spirit

As a Spaniard in days when golf was for the westerners and the rich, Seve dreamed of being a champion. He day-dreamed, envisioned, and desired that title to its fulfillment. In his mind, he never thought to finish second in anything he was passionate about. His whole life was on one track- golf champion.
Growing up in a family of all boys, Severiano had tough skin. Never did the taunts kill his dream, never did the chides keep him from claiming victory years before he could ever set foot on a golf course without hiding up a tree....
On the green, he was art. The graceful swing of his club, the beautiful form of his body. He oozed charisma that only he could pull off. Lovely smile, a natural with humor. 
Seve wasn't too proud to learn from the masters, but did not hide his confidence either. He was master of the game after all, if his conviction was to go by. 
To achieve our goals, we have to plan, an take necessary steps to work towards them. The bottom of the chain then becomes the greatest step we ever took because like a drawing, it starts with that first contact of tip of pen to paper. 

Power of the mind cannot be stressed enough. Its role in the achievement (or failure) of our goals is critical. In Seve's mind he was a golf champion; so he was.

So much I could learn from Seve. So much!

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