Thursday, December 5, 2013

There Was a Time

There was a time when Christmas
Was the time of year my heart swelled with joy. 
Not a time that it sank, heavy with sorrow.
There was a time when the Christmas lights
Lifted my spirits to realms of glory
And the sound of Noel on the radio
Didn't cause an ocean of tears to pour down my cheeks.
There was a time when the Christmas wreaths portrayed the season
Not reminded me of the wreaths that lay on the fresh mound of soil
That kept your body while your spirit rose to heaven.
There was a time when the dreary winter nights
Meant warmth around a fire in joyous spirit.
Not a magnification of the sorrow within me.
There was a time when I longed for the scent of the pine tree,
Now the scent suffocates my aching heart with sadness.
There was a time Christmas carols brought a smile to my face
Now all they do is remind me that you are gone.
There was a time when Christmas was Christmas,
But everything changed at the turn of the eleventh hour
That fateful Christmas eve that you took your last breath.
There was a time......

Damaris Roulette

Gogo (Grandma) Ruth, praying I see you again in the afterlife. I love you so much. Memories of your radiant smile are my saving grace.  Agui (Grandpa) Isaiah, I can almost feel your arms holding me close whenever I think of you, which is often.