Thursday, January 14, 2016

Running Delights.....or not - Energy Gels

So you label yourself a runner; maybe even an avid one. I'm just a girl putting one foot in front of the other for fun. Bragging rights. I have never felt so macho than when I finished Austin's roughest Half Marathon. Decker. I get the bubble guts just thinking back to that day!! But that is a whole other story.
Let me tell you about my recent experience with energy gels. I love my GU. well, in the beginning I did not. But then I tried different flavors and now I love the salted caramel and Chocolate outrage. I can never find the Mint Chocolate in any of the GNCs I get my stash from! Anyway, I was running the Austin's Rogue Running Festival's 10K this past Sunday. There was a Huma stand. And I love freebies. I picked up some energy gels and was excited to try them on my next long run.
Tuesday rolled around and my super disciplined running partner needed us to get 10 miles in. Huh? Yep! We have to get ready for the 3M. So I grabbed my packet of Huma gel - Lemonade flavor. Good stuff!! It was more palatable than the GU in terms of texture. I was excited! Maybe I have a new gel love..... By the 4th mile I am still rolling and feeling good, but a rumble begins deep in my belly. Oh no!! Any runner will tell you they dread having to stop to poo. I ignored the feeling and at Mile 7, I was ready for my second shot of gel. My back-up packet was a GU. Chocolate Outrage baby! But now my mind is no longer concentrating on what my buddy is saying but trying to just get home. Thankfully, mine is a growing community. Lots of potta-potties due to so many new constructions going on. One, then two. I passed both saying to myself "I can do this". It is a horrible feeling I tell you.
My GU is kicking in and I have to slow down because my buddy is lagging a wee bit behind. Rumbling. Gas. Oops! I have to get to a bathroom! I don't tell my girl all this because we are having an awesome run and who wants to hear about bubble guts anyway? LOL! My routine is always the same. The only change was the new gel I consumed. There! That may very well be the cause of my stomach troubles.
We finished the 10 miles thankfully but my race was not over. Spent the entire day running to the bathroom with the bubble guts. I will give the Huma gel another chance on a shorter run see if maybe it was just a fluke. I hope it was because I really liked the consistency and taste of it!
Will write an update soon
The Running Wife.

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