Friday, March 4, 2016

When Faith Meets Science

Today I started a lifetime journey, one that will form new life if and when God wills. I embarked on what sounds like a science project but in essence, is an affirmation of the wisdom that God has given man to understand His (God's) creation. It is amazing that the formation of a human being can be described in two ways that both evoke awe and wonder.
1. Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Gen 2:7
2. The birds and the bees version.... 😝. Well, the biological story where the egg meets the sperm and just like that, life begins. Of coz that is putting it a little too simply.

Infertility is seldom discussed in my African culture. It is simply not an accepted state of womanhood! Yet so many couples suffer in silence, some bearing ridicule from parents, family and friends. It is a shame to be infertile, and it is always the woman's fault. How then does one handle such stigma, such insensitivity and ignorance?

I delight in tender hugs and drooly kisses. I relish a baby's belly laugh and cherub face. I desire the sleepless nights that rise from an angelic human that depends on me.I long for the pains of labor. But I do not suffer for all these. The Lord gives; who am I to demand a gift? The Lord takes, who am I to lay claim on a soul?

Today the Lord started His project for me; I think He is testing to see how patient with Him I really have been. See, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen (Heb 11:1). So the first step was a consultation with Dr. S.K. Kavoussi. He speaks in confidence, he has an aura that is assuring, and trust-worthy is the air about him. And right here in the consultation room, faith meets science.


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